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Stacks of papers? Scan them all!

I just discovered that our copy machine works as a scanner too. Below is a video demonstration that shows how the copier at my school can scan documents and send them as emails.

I’ve been on a quest to digitize all my materials for class in an effort to save paper and backup everything I have. Now that scanning multiple pages is so easy, here are a few things I’ve been scanning:

  • answer keys: for worksheets and study guides
  • students’ quizzes: like it or not some students cheat, now I have a record of what each quiz looked like before I passed it back
  • old worksheets: I have few gems that are only in hard copy, now they can be backed up digitally
  • workshop handouts: I still get a lot of paper from workshops but now I can file this material in folders with my other digital work
  • clippings and comics: preserving the stack of newspaper clippings and comics that I’ve collected over the years is now a breeze
  • extra readings: I like to share excerpts from books with my students but I was never happy with all the paper wasted when students read something once and then discard it

Those are just a few examples of how I’ve begun to digitize my classroom. If you have any other ideas, share them in the comments.

One thought to “Stacks of papers? Scan them all!”

  1. What a clever idea — I’d never really thought of this. My school doesn’t have a printer that does this, but, I’m hoping that when we do get a new one, we’ll have the ability to have this feature. Love this idea!! Hope you don’t mind me asking, but what kind of copier is this? Is it a big institutional one or a smaller one?

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